Posts Tagged“jess james + co”

Basque In It

Basque In It - The Dressed Aesthetic

I have to admit, I’ve never been one for a basque waist. I’ve seen many a dress in rear view, only to turn them around and see that telltale triangular dip at the waist. It always reminded me of 80’s wedding dresses, which inevitably had me shuddering and quickly returning her to the racks. But, little did I know there’s a bit of magic hidden in a basque waist dress that fits you perfectly.


Flowercide - The Dressed Aesthetic

On more than one occasion, I have committed flowercide. Okay, it’s been more than 12 occasions. I don’t know what it is, but gardening just doesn’t reside in my veins. And I always start out with the best of intentions. A few weeks ago, Mr. Dressed and I went out and selected some lovely flowering plants to speckle our garden and front patio. Pinks and purples and creams. It was a flowering paradise. For about 2 weeks. I’m sad to say that this week our porch looks like a horticulture crime scene.