Posts Tagged“anthropologie”

Pencil Me In

Pencil Me In - The Dressed Aesthetic

By now, I think most of you have a firm grip on my style. Though the characters change, the storyline is generally the same: fitted bodice, cinched waist, and a full twirly skirt. But as I said last year, I think it’s always important to step outside of our style comfort zones now and again and boldly go where my lower half rarely ventures…

Natural Selection

Natural Selection - The Dressed Aesthetic

Sometimes, just thinking about the history of ideas can give me goosebumps. To imagine the things that were once societally accepted as fact, until someone’s crazy, outside-of-the-box idea challenged it. To be there on the day someone bravely raised their hand, amidst the sneers and rotten tomatoes lobbed there way, and said, “Err…come on guys.” There was a time when everyone accepted the world was flat. That the sick could be heeled by bleeding them. That smoking had no adverse health effects. That Donald Trump was an acceptable presidential candidate. Come on guys.